Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Suburban Bliss - Crack Fox

I happened upon the new Suburban Bliss catelogue today, Toby would get me one but he needs them for roch meterial. Anyway, I drew him this Crack Fox for a sweat shirt and also to be used on T's. It comes out soon I think? This is from the catelogue with Nugget (Gabriel) modelling it.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Vans - French - Dollin
I'm guessing this means that the Dustin Dollin shoe I drew some artwork for is now on sale, as I popped into the Vans Store in London and they have the 2 colour ways on the shelf. Also it does appear that it says my name (nickname) on the sale tag. I'm pretty damn stoked right now. There is gonna be an official launch party and exhibition in early this space for info.
Cheers to Dustin for asking me to be involved.
Sunday, February 22, 2009

I went to see Mutant play the other night.... this is my friend Amy with her LOVENSKATE beer.
Send a S.A.E to Stu to get a some free LOVENSKATE stickers. Get his address from
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I went to see Cannibal Corpse play last night.... they were usual. I love'em they really are proper death. I remember the first time I heard them at school from Loz'nut. He made me listen to Hammer Smash Face and then taped me Tomb of the Mutilated ep. George "Corpsegrinder" was killing it twitch and all.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009

Last night, my amazing friend Talita got me backstage to see Anvil play at the Sheppards Bush empire. They ruled!! As they would...also she got this old copy of Kerrang with Lips on the cover ...and she got it signed. And Scott Ian from Anthrax played with them. I crapped my pants!
For some people this is just whatever, but for me this was epic. When I was a kid my friend Pete and I were just so into metal...we would sit and just talk about it for hours. I was mentally obsessed with Anthrax and anything to do with Anthrax, ...I saw this interview with them and they talked about Raven and Anvil being super important so I obviously got as much Anvil as I could and was so into them. I had foto's of Lips on my wall and also Scott Ian from Anthrax. Last night was a dream come see Anvil, meet them and see Scott Ian play with them.
Pete past away a few years ago, and today he's the one person I really wanna call and tell about this....where ever he is I'm sure he'd be fucking stoked to know. I miss him so much.

Thanks so much Talita.... I owe you big time.
Friday, February 13, 2009

New LOVENSKATE stickers are done and out.....

If you skate and you don't get the above image or know who Tom Knox is.... what the fuck are you playing at!
As a wise man once said to me... "ollies and grinds, that all you need kid".......

You need these stickers so speak to Stu at Lovenskate.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Every time this year
this dark fog will appear
up from the tombs it comes
to take one more life that
can be near.
In the middle of transylvania
All natural life has for a long
time ago gone, its thin and so
beautyful but also so dark and
Once again the priest is messing
may the god bless us all.
The fog is here again
that'll complete this funeral.
From a place empty of life.
Only dead trees are growing hear
as it comes from a far
Only dead treas are growing hear
............Funeral Fog
............Funeral Fog
............Funeral Fog
............Funeral Fog
The dark over lord of the Emerald Isle sent me this picture from his most unholy fashion shoot for an Irish Mag.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Winter Skateboarding

This foto is, for me, such a reflection and reminder of so many winters here in the UK. Hoping for a dry-ish day between October - March that you can get out and skate outside. You drive for ages to find a park / spot that looks dry enough. Then you take the broom from the car, walk across a muddy field, sweep the mudd, water and used condoms outta the bowl. Get 30 minutes skate in, then it pisses it down with rain, ya boards covered in mud and you unsatisfied. At least on sunday when this foto was taken we'd skated an indoor bowl for 3 hrs before we had to deal with the elements.
Come on the spring!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
koast Snowboards

Australian Brand Koast Snowboards is up and running. I designed this board for them a while ago. Have a look at the other boards on their site.
Koast Snowboards
Friday, February 06, 2009
Scion Installation 5 Tour

I just saw that there's foto's from the Miami show on the Scion Installation site...I think I might just look a little outta place like I gate crashed the party? Here's me, Karen and Ian my Scion homies.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Maid of Rats Opening Night, Malmo and the Famous Jody Barton!

I got to Copenhagen on Wednesday night and Mads very kindly came and got me from the Airport and I went back to Stiner and his house to drink some beer, eat and sleep. I spent the next day mounting and framing work for the show.
But I did have the aid of the Famous Jody Barton,(above with his trusty steed) me and Jody didn't really know each other that well, just through other mates and the fact he's a famous artist. But he just moved to Copenhagen with his lady, Karate. So I spent all my time with this clown. He's awesome
After framing on Thursday, Jody and myself went for a shred round CPH, he towed me on his bike and we went for Pizza, coffee and then met Mads, Silas and the Viking to go to some "fashion" party where they had free booze....woman dressed like muppets and loads of gay dudes, dressed just as shit as all the women. Obviously Jody and I kept the British end up and tried to drink enough free beer to sink a battle ship. They had free makeup cos it was sponsored by L'Oreal .....Jody and Karate took advantage of this also.
The next morning myself and Mads spent some time putting all the art work up in the gallery, Mads having to stop allot 'cos he was feeling a little fragile. I managed to get a skate in with Kalle and Tommy at the Christiania bowl in the afternoon before the show opened. Kalle and Tommy came over from Malmo to see me, the show, skate and get some free beers....good work.
On Friday Jason Gormley came all the way over from London to see the show and hang with Jody, Gormley's a super good mate, well good fun and made the opening super fun.

The show opening was great, loads of people came, some work got sold, Danny Toblerone and some other dudes came over from Malmo for the free beer, Silas, the Viking and all the Carhartt ladies came as well.
Jason rented a bike for the weekend, as everyone has one in CPH .... its the best transport, other than skating round the city. Jason managed to get a little tipsy and fell off his rented bike, but thats all part of the deal.
After the opening we all went to some bar, chatted about meat, ate pizza and then all headed back on bikes, Mads carried Stiner on his.

The following morning myself, Jody and Jas headed over to Malmo on the train to have a look about. Them with they're bikes and skating, it was so bloody cold.

We managed to find one of the amazing skateparks in Malmo, it was so much fun, but so cold I could only manage an hour or so.

Later we went to the indoor park to see the Vert comp, I met up with my Nuke'em friend's Kalle, Tommy, The Dr ( who actually is a real brain surgeon), Max, Tobias and Tomsie. The comp changed to a party and I ended up spending the night in Malmo and having a proper laugh.

I was stoked to saw people riding my Nuke'em Board who I don't know, they even had it in the shop at the park, I even managed to get my hands on one.

I just wanna say a massive thanks to F.O.N, Mads, Stiner, Jody, Karate, Jason, all the CPH peeps, the Nuke'em skateheads, Dan Toberone, Carhartt, especially James for the warm clothes and anyone else that made my time in Denmark and Sweden rad. Cheers !
Maid Of Rats Exhibitions, Force of Nature Gallery, Copenhagen
I just got back from Copenhagen, where I've been putting up my show at Force of Nature. I think it worked out really good. The gallery is made to look like a Funeral Directors, I think the work really suited the setting. Mads and Stiner who run the space are super cool and looked after me really well. If you get the chance to go please do.
The work in the show was a mix of new pencil works and screen prints. I like doing shows this way 'cos it means I can afford to sell prints pretty cheap and then the people who may want some thing of my work can get it and its affordable. Saying that the drawings are pretty well priced.
If you'd like know more about the show, see some better pictures of the artwork in the show, buy something or just have a chat drop me an email:
or have a look at the Force of Nature site.