Scion Installation 6 Opening - Official Foto's

Everyone in the show....

Always sick to see Eric, what a good guy!!!

Me, Nate and Alana.

Road Crew!!!

Its Ok to laugh at Derek's gay coat!!
January 23 - February 13, 2010
Now in its 6th year, this revolutionary art tour kicks off 2010 in Los Angeles. The tour focuses on the video medium, which emerged in the 1960s and has since expanded galleries into more experimental, kinetic and interactive spaces. "Installation 6: Video" challenged 10 artists to create non-narrative video installations that will eventually transform five unique exhibitions around the country.
Dust la Rock (Brooklyn, NY), Eric Nakamura (Los Angeles, CA), Saelee Oh (Los Angeles, CA), French (London, England), Josh Graham (New York, NY), Ill-Studio (Paris, France), Monihan Monihan (New York, NY), Mark Mothersbaugh (Los Angeles, CA), PMKFA (Tokyo, Japan), and Sage Vaughn (Los Angeles, CA).
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 23, 2010 | 7-10pm
(all artists in attendance)
Scion Installation L.A.
3521 Helms Ave (at National)
Culver City, CA. 90232
Gallery Phone: 310.815.8840
Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 11 AM - 6 PM & by appointment
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