Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
London Death Fest - Immolation / Avulsed
Yesterday I went to Immolation and Avulsed play with Tom and Alanglass.... it was so rad.
Alanglass stage divided during Avulsed... I have never seen that many people move outta the way that quickly.
Amputated were rad... they played loads of good old stuff and a new stuff... including a song called 'raped by micheal jackson'
There was an hour gap later between bands and we sheltered from the rain and drank cheap beer.
Man Whore from Duce Bigalow
The morning after......
Friday, June 26, 2009
Slaughter, W+K Amsterdam

The very nice people at Wieden and Kennedy, Amsterdam, have invited to put on an exhibition of my work in their gallery next friday. Its gonna be pretty rad. I think Andrew there has made a coffin to put the beer in and is getting a load of crazy other stuff made for the show. They've really hooked me up. So "get your arse to mars" ...well Amsterdam and come have some free beer and "a smoke and pancake".
Also there's an a gig for the show and they managed to get some real brutality.... Leng t'che, Nox and Inhume. I really love Inhume, I saw them before at the Underworld... so rad.
Theres also special gig shirts being made for the show, they were designed by Dem's the Aussie beaut!!! Ya little ripper!! ...and being printed by the masker of ink... Lovenskate "Hangtime" Stu.

front of the shirt

Gets some!
See you at the front Inhume!!! ...."GARGLING GUTS"!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Volcom - London Store & Europe

I recently drew this its gonna be an exclusive shirt for the London Volcom Store, below is the coloured version.

I've also been lucky enough to make this for Volcom to use across Europe as a "featured Artists" shirt. My friend Kev, who works for Volcom sent me the image from the catelogue, but here's also what the drawing looked like originally.

DECREPID - at the purple turtle
Decrepid played at the Purple Turtle last night, obviously me, McFly and Stu went along to see Mongo and he's mates destroy. They totally ruled, the sound was really good and they played so tight this time. Proper death metal.... if you were to look up death metal in the dictionary it'd say, well it'd say "Bolt Thrower", but under that it'd say "Decrepid at the Purple Turtle"
It was rad to see Gnarley Tom there as well last night, he'd had a couple of beers... well a bottle of Rosie and 2 cans outside before and then a few in there and was wearing leather trousers from the ladies section in H&M. When I was asking about them he said that H&M have funny ladies sizes ... 'cos he "had to buy a 14 and man, nah, nah, I'm not a 14, I'm a 12". Me and McFly help him have a couple more beers for the road 'cos he "promised the Mrs I'm not getting drunk......I LIED"
Also Tom has "Cock Rock" now tattooed on his towes.... this is the cock foot. Good to see you GT....
Good times, good work Decrepid. Check out their Myspace..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hair - Trunk Books
I have a few drawings in this book by Australian Publisher Trunk Books. Its a book on the theme of Hair.
Trunk Books
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Things have Changed"
In 1996 my friend Pete Dale lent me a Manowar cassette in Art Class and told me this is gonna change your life....it did! Then finally last weekend I saw Manowar play live at Hellfest. "Things have changed" I now have seen Manowar..... thats another thing off my list of things to do before I die. I'm sorry Pete couldn't be there with me to see it in person ..... but he was in spirit! The best band I've ever seen!
The other bands I saw were:
Destroyer 666, Voivod, Wasp, Anthrax, Saint Vitus, Black Sabbath, Vader, Skinless, Immolation, Enslaved, Sacred Reich, Orange Goblin, Electric Wizard, Keep of Kelessin, Napalm Death, Destruction, Suicidal Tendencies........
Ok the crew.... from right to left: McFly, Mongo, Tom, Stu "Hangtime" Smith.....ultimate brothers of true metal!
Mongo like "Destruction"..... "Nailed to the Cross"
Standard Metal Procedure....
This isn't confusing .... 2 french girls, both called Emily....and Stueuro!! These lady's came and joined the party all weekend .... Stueuro looked after them in his special Euro way.
Yes !
King of Metal!!
Festival Shit!
English Culture....
"lady liberty rots away, truth and Justice the American way" Sacred Reich ruled.... the lead singers got really fat and looks like Ben Stiller in the fat suit at the end of Dodge Ball.
Joe and Mongo watching Sacred Reich!
I taught Mongo the idea of "sharing" which he took to new lengths of just walking up to anyone with beer, pointing at their drink and saying "share" and getting beer off them. But he did also share his when he had some....
McFly talking to the neighbours... these 2 Finish girls campd next to us, they had some interesting fish alcohol...
"Hello! McFly"
Immolation were the other band, than Manowar that I really wanted to see, they're palying London this weekend... but they were so amazing ! This is just before Satan appeared and dragged everyone into a avoid....
Mongo like Lobster....
"Back in the Game" "Fuck the Game I am the game" Mongo was obsessed with having some sunglasses like this.... so I gave him the ones from my car. He even managed to heep them on when headbanging to Destruction.
Me and McFly did the Portsmouth to L'Harve crossing so that we could spend a day skating the Park in L'Harve.... Mc B/s Disaster on the extention. I was stoked to have him a my co-pilot a seriously rad dude!
English Culture and Breakfast at the Park.....
Bye Bye France.....
I just wanna say thanks to all who made the weekend rad, no thanks to all the posers....you know who you are and yes to True Metal!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
More Colorado.......

Dave took me out to Rockies and on the way back we past this rad little park in the mountains, with a sick view... obviously I did a front rock.

Also Dave's family have a log cabin, like the one in the Evil Dead, up in the woods. "Join Us"
There were these horns outside.....

Lord Fuller sent me some more pictures and I just thought it rude not to show the Fullside Ramp more... also to prove to Gorm I have more than front Rocks and Frontside Grinds....

I now have front feebs and front 5050....only frontside tricks though.....