Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
‘The Joyful Bewilderment’

there's allot of really rad people in this show.
‘The Joyful Bewilderment’ showcases the work of a group of like minded image-makers. The works in the show utilise pencil, paint and ink along with photographic works.
An International Group Exhibition
2 October - 27 October
Exhibition curated by;
Marcus Oakley, Simon Peplow,
Holly Wales, Lawrence Roper &
The Outcrowd Collective.
'Dray Walk'
Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
E1 6QL
Private View:
2nd October from 7pm
2nd-27th October
Tour dates/venues to be announced.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
From the eternal sea he rises, Creating armies on either shore, Turning man against his brother 'Til man exists no more.
......I spent all day yesterday getting this much done his master...
So I read "The Fog" ages ago, way better than the film and nothing like it.... i think that some gas escaped and now people are gonna go mental and kill each other and then themselves...the whole or Bournemouth may walk into the sea and commit mas suicide?
Or Autumn's here and it's foggy?
Friday, September 26, 2008
I haven't been able to put much artwork on here recently 'cos I'm working on allot of different projects and also works for the 3 show's in Australia. I've been making prints and organising what's going in the shows, making the shirt designs, sending files to Joe etc. But yesterday I started working this, it's gonna be a print for Mark Brewster's new print's project. I'll keep you posted on what happens to that. It's A1 in size and gonna be in ink in the end.
Richard Gilligan

I nicked this off Richard Gilligan's blog, he took this portrait of me in January when I was over for his birthday. It was really early in the morning, really frosty, in a massive graveyard across from his house in Dublin, it was insanely cold. Thats why i have some 2 sweat shirts, 2 shirts and a thermal jacket on.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Art Of Music - Exhibition Catelogue
I have 10 copies of the catelogue for the show, it's an A5 full colour publication with work by all the artists in the show:
P.A.M., La Boca, Museum Studio, Alter, Steven & John Harrington, Stefan Marx, //DIY, Ryan Waller, Ill-Studio, Smal and Paze, French, Artus De Lavilléon, Sanghon Kim, Josh Petherick, SO-ME
If you'd like to buy a copy just email me or get it from my shop. They're just £5.
Artist's Guide : to dressing Fancy
Matt Cassity sent me a couple of copies of the new artist's guide, it's got work from Marcus Oakley, Simon Peplow, August Heffner, Matt Cassity and many more.
I have a copy for sale, on my shop, if anyone wants one or they're available from the artist's guide site.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Los Angeles....Pet.
This is actually Wolf's Piss.... Diddler bought it to put around his garden to keep the Coyote's out.... only in America.
Munson and Ben came to Culver to skate the park and also see my show. Munson as always was a legend.... this shows how mental the bowl is.

There's no place like home...Kyle, Nate and Me.... Kansas lads.

My screen print for the show.... the idea was to make a festival poster... mine was just mental bands I really need to see. I called it Slaughter Humanity Fest. I hope I'll get some of these.

My work at the show... all 52 of them.
Me and Diddler.... he's my long lost shred buddy from the North East, a personal friend of Venom and Geodie Racer.
Diddlers Hell Hound.....Cronos - Rabid captor of bestial malevolance....(Sophie)
Red Curbs
This shit sounds rad ....
Len skated this in the supermarket carpark by Highland Park.... the 1st try was a killer slam
Kansas - Bromies

While I was in LA I saw Nate and Kyle, my 2 really good friends from Kansas. Nate now lives in LA and Kyle lives in Texas. I see Nate often when I'm in the states ..... but I hadn't seen Kyle since 2001, when I was at Uni at Kansas (KU). I really miss those guys, 2 of my very best friends in the world. Us and Gabe were a really tight crew, one of the best and closest group of friends I've ever had. I hope next time we can see Gabe and his new baby as well.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Escape from LA......

I've ended up staying in LA a while longer than planned. Its all good, but I ran outta clean clothes about 5 days ago and I just had to go buy a new DEICIDE shirt from a shop on Hollywood Blvd.

I've got to skate so many parks this time and street as well...all down to Diddler, Nate and Len. This ones Belvedere, I've also hit Chino, some other one neat there, Highland, South Pas, Culver and some good spots down town. I'll put more stuff up when Im back.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
In LA.....

I've been in LA for since sunday....so far.... i've skated a bunch pf parks, including Culver City with Munson and Ben, they're out here for ASR.

Diddler...."metal fookin black" has been looking after me as well, we skated highland and Pasedena parks .... and went to a bbq and pool....he's a good lad. Almost dune setting up the show. Meeting some old Kansas friends tomorrow gonna get to skate chino park .