Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Funeral Fog, Monster Children Gallery, Sydney - 27th Nov

So we're hanging the show right now...
Funeral Fog - an exhibition of new works
Opening night November 27th, 6pm .... come down if you're around.
Continues 28th November till the 9th December 2008
This exhibition, my second show at Monster Children Gallery, includes a range of original drawings, editioned silkscreens and digital prints plus a catalogue printed especially for my 3 Australian shows.
Presented by Carhartt and Vans.....and C.O.D
Thats right there's a Pentagram on the floor and demon being conjured.....Obey his satanic majesty.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Vetika Store

"Goat of Hades" - screen print

"Plague Doctors" - screen print
Mark at the Vetika is doig a really good job of providing merch and prints of my work in the Vetika online store. These are just a few of the new very limited screen prints and t-shirts he has for sale and there's gonna be even more soon. If you order now I think can promise they'll get to you before christmas.....any where in ther world.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Brisbane - foto's by a proper fotographer

If you wanna see even more, actual pro foto's of the opening night of Hand of Glory check out Megan Cullen's blog, the bird pictured here with the lippy... she's a pretty funny one.
Bowls, Beers, BBQ's, Birthdays, Bundi, Brisbane

As Joe has put on the Izrock Blog, this photo sums up the session at Rob's bowl... smiles and laughs all round. I can't remember what Jay was laughing ? But shit, it was a seriously fun day on the Thursday shredding the bowl. Check out this footage of Jay on the and look at the outpost blog for even more images from Matt.
So again before we got to skate the bowl on Thurday, me and Joe flew up to Brisbane to arrive at 9am, we went for coffee at death metal coffee by Matt's shop and then Lockie took us to Ikea to get the extra frames we needed for the show. As you can tell Joe and I were super stoked to have to got to ikea again. I hate the place
But the $1 hotdog's are good....
So we got most of the work up and sorted on the thursday and then Jay, Rob and Matt helped us out to hang the rest of the work before the bowl session.
The openin night was amazing, so, so busy with new people coming up all the time. We sold a hell of allot of zines, many prints and a bunch of original works. Brisbane is a pretty metal / rock town I think and the show went down well. Here's the dude from the guitar shop who bought the Gutted Nun print, the 1st man with enough conviction to put it on his wall at home, and a damn good shirt as well.
Even a couple of the Cactus lad's turned up, I was stoked there was not blood spilt, as there was a heavy Panther presence at the party. I managed to play brutal death metal all night even when the 9 lives boys tried to change it I throw a wobbley and demanded to have my I-pod put back on now.
See Lovenskate is International even dudes in Brisbane are rocking it!!! and Joe wants to steel it!!
After the show kicked out we ended up in the pub.... I don't really remember too much...and Matt remembers even less? It could have been the good mix of beers, Henessey, Bundi and coke, Gin and tonic and also the meister. As you can see when we went for breakfast Matt was really feeling the power and pain of the night before.
Jay doesn't get hangovers? But he does get us reserved tables at his work for breakfast.
Joe got the worlds largest fake meet breakfast, after sleeping fully dressed in a ball on Jay's living room floor. Be and Joe woke up to the noise of jack hammers in the street and Jay's house mate shagging his girlfriend......
Brisbane is amazing!! I can't wait to get back there.
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Me and Joe just got back from Brisbane.... I had the best time of my life. The "Hand Of Glory" show opened and was so busy, but Joe left his camera in Brisbane so I'll have to wait to make a proper up date about the show and our amazing time.
Just wanna say a massive cheers for Matt Brady lord Major of Brisvegas, Jay Musk (pictured above, with Joel from the Cactus crew looking on), Death metal Coffee John, The Panthers, Rob from Concrete Skatepark, Ben at Seven Skateboards, Merdock, all the 9 people at Nine Lives, Locky, Megan, Birthday Rob for the project, Joe Allen for Slapping me, all the metal kids for coming to the show, Alabie Rooms, Bare Bones Barbers, Moondog, Hot Megan for being hot, Independent Trucks, f/s slashes, Keagan for being a nightmare, Darren at Vans in Queensland, Outpost, Pool coping, Bo for the doobie, Cactus Pool Crew, Bundi Rum and Coke and Brisbane for just rocking. If I forgot you, I didn't forget and you know you rule.

yeah, another f/s grind ......
So we got the show up on by thursday at 3pm and were invited to skate a bowl with pool coping and no flat bottom, the New Farm Panthers took us and Matt Brady there, they all killed it, the Cactus Crew smashed it and Jay just made me wanna skate all day everyday.

Worked pretty late to get this done on the wednesday in the gallery.

Matt Brady, the man that made the Brisbane show happen, he's a proper keeper this one.... and got brutally drunk on the opening night, he was amazing!
Jay make sure you make it to the Uk.... you're a true ruler!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lord of Light - "Don't Come" Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Here's a load of better images of the show, Misha just sent them to me. If there's anything that you like just get in touch with the gallery and they'll make it happen.

All the framed works are a mix of original pen and ink drawings on paper, 1 and 2 colour screen prints limited to runs of 30 and vinyl glow in the dark screen prints, limited to runs of 5. So super limited edition

All the unframed work's are digital prints in run's of 10 and all really reasonably priced.
Vetika is go!!!

Vetika is up and running, it's a really rad site and is selling a load of my work for me, including t-shirts made just by them, screen prints and originals and its all pretty well priced stuff.
Have a gander....
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Hand Of Glory - Brisbane

Off to Bris-vegas on Wednesday for the show that opens on friday night, I'm really excited about this one. I went to Brisbane once it was pretty rad, but I think that Matt is gonna show us a rad time.... there's talk of an underground bowl.
Carve, slash, grind ....very good have a drink.
See you friday night at the Nine Lives Gallery if you can make it.
Off to buy frames with Joe today.
Roadtrips and Frontside Grinds

f/s grind Black box Mini - Melbourne
Ok so instead of adding more on here, if you wanna see some of the better foto's of the Sydney to Melbourne trip check out Joe's site.

f/s grind Ulladulla..... see I have one trick.... Gorm will be stoked to see I'm racking up more f/s grind foto's
Friday, November 07, 2008
Tasmanian Death Metal

Yesterday I worked on a drawing of a family crest for my friend Joe's wedding, skate Glebe mini ramp with Freddy Foreskin, Joe and Dalba. Had a pie and then went solo to see Psychroptic play. The were amazing..... super brutal!

I saw them play before at Black Town RSL in Sydney in 2002 they were rad then, I was stoked... I got a "Sceptor of the Ancients" t-shirt. It's a good thing to see a really good Aussie band whilst I'm here.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Council Of Dalba is the Aussie skate crew I've been riding with out here. Dalba is the leader of the pack and a total winner. We took from the sunday to the following friday to drive between Sydney and Melbourne via Canberra, skating as many parks as possible.
Before getting going we hit up Sonny and Dalba's secret lair just outta Sydney for some very special Golden Cobra Coffee.
Most the trip we cooked on on the free park BBQ's or on the little Dalba gas cooker.... Sonny cooking up a storm.
While on the road we saw a few pretty big spiders but know of the really nasty ones that kill ya.
We tried to camp or sleep out most nights and a few times we got a motel room between all of us. We slept on Mollymook beach and some gay dude told us off the next morning, while standing there in the worlds smallest speedos.
"Boys, boys, boys....the beaches of australia are not for camping, they're for the people who buy houses here, now please leave and take your rubbish as well" .... yeah we're all like 30 and not gonna respect that...what a tit. If there's not camping on the beach then he better leave as well in those swimmers.
Ulladulla Skatepark was a legendary spot we had to hit....Joe and Sam shot a photo on the vert wall with Freddy.
Bro's in Bowls.....Joe, Dalba and Sonny..
At one park we even camped on the cricket oval next to the park as they had free bbq's and soft grass.
Sam is always the best dressed and well groomed on the trip....
Once I get everyone else's foto's I'll make a better post about the trip.... off to sort out more works for the Brisbane show and maybe skate Fernside.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Lord Of Light, "Don't Come" Gallery Melbourne.

The "Lord of Light" exhibition opened on Monday night at the "Don't Come" Gallery in Melbourne. Myself, Joe Allen, Sam Smith and the rest of the "Council Of Dalba" travelled on a roadtrip down to melbourne hitting as many parks we could. it ended with the show. Here's some foto's of the set up and I'll post a full road trip section as soon as I get the foto's off the council.

I decided to paint a massive image on the largest wall of the gallery, but because the gallery is situated in an arcade if you wanna stay past 7pm you have to get locked in the building. Because of this Joe and Misha had to hoist me dinner and other supplies up from the street and into the gallery window using a pucket and some old power cords.

In total it took me around 13 hours to draw / paint the image and then Sam blacked out the back ground for me.

I ended up sleeping in the gallery, it felt a little weird 'cos it was so big, so to make things more cozzy I pitched my $40 tent and slept in my $8 kitten blanket on some cusions from the sofa's.

The opening went really well, I need to get some better images of the actual work, but there was the mural, a wall of digital prints, unframed. Then 2 walls of framed originals and screen prints. The works were all pretty reasonably priced from $90 - $600 aus. If you're interested in anything at the show just email me or contact Don't Come direct. But I will get better images of what was exactly in the show.

Edwina looked after us the whole time we were in Melbourne, she's a total winner. Letting a bunch of stinking unwashed dudes sleep in her house, taking us to pubs, cooking us dinner and in general looking after us. Thanks ..... you rule!

Edwina also made me this fucking sick Executioners hood..... so I could look like I'm on Sodom album cover. So talented!

I just wanna say a massive and total thanks to Sam and Joe for making the show happen and to Misha and all the crew at Don't Come. You guys are sikunt's!

Here's a list of thanks and sikunts: The Council Of Dalba, Grolsch, Vans, Carhartt, Shawn, Edwina, Louis, Misha, Alex, Ashley, Kristy, The Golden Cobra, DLX, Supply, Jason Gormley, Fuknoath, Scion free sox, Black Sabbath, Putrefukation, Camping Gas, Ray's Outdoors, Thrifty Cars, B.O, Formula 1, Coopers, Convic Skateparks, Ikea frames, Lovenskate Stu, Death Urethane, Indy Trucks, Deicide, f/s grinds, Ulladulla Skatepark, Scott Lowe, China Heights, Dave Ladd and Stephanie, 99 Degrees, Skate guides, CyberSalba and anyone else that made the show work.
Next stop Brisbane for "Hand of Glory" at "Nine Lives" Gallery.