Bowls, Beers, BBQ's, Birthdays, Bundi, Brisbane

As Joe has put on the Izrock Blog, this photo sums up the session at Rob's bowl... smiles and laughs all round. I can't remember what Jay was laughing ? But shit, it was a seriously fun day on the Thursday shredding the bowl. Check out this footage of Jay on the and look at the outpost blog for even more images from Matt.
So again before we got to skate the bowl on Thurday, me and Joe flew up to Brisbane to arrive at 9am, we went for coffee at death metal coffee by Matt's shop and then Lockie took us to Ikea to get the extra frames we needed for the show. As you can tell Joe and I were super stoked to have to got to ikea again. I hate the place
But the $1 hotdog's are good....
So we got most of the work up and sorted on the thursday and then Jay, Rob and Matt helped us out to hang the rest of the work before the bowl session.
The openin night was amazing, so, so busy with new people coming up all the time. We sold a hell of allot of zines, many prints and a bunch of original works. Brisbane is a pretty metal / rock town I think and the show went down well. Here's the dude from the guitar shop who bought the Gutted Nun print, the 1st man with enough conviction to put it on his wall at home, and a damn good shirt as well.
Even a couple of the Cactus lad's turned up, I was stoked there was not blood spilt, as there was a heavy Panther presence at the party. I managed to play brutal death metal all night even when the 9 lives boys tried to change it I throw a wobbley and demanded to have my I-pod put back on now.
See Lovenskate is International even dudes in Brisbane are rocking it!!! and Joe wants to steel it!!
After the show kicked out we ended up in the pub.... I don't really remember too much...and Matt remembers even less? It could have been the good mix of beers, Henessey, Bundi and coke, Gin and tonic and also the meister. As you can see when we went for breakfast Matt was really feeling the power and pain of the night before.
Jay doesn't get hangovers? But he does get us reserved tables at his work for breakfast.
Joe got the worlds largest fake meet breakfast, after sleeping fully dressed in a ball on Jay's living room floor. Be and Joe woke up to the noise of jack hammers in the street and Jay's house mate shagging his girlfriend......
Brisbane is amazing!! I can't wait to get back there.
herro there.
was on tour from syd in bris and was told about yer show late sat night, so i rushed there on sun morning before our van left. unfortunately was closed. awwwww :( so i peered and pawed through the tiny rectangular windows and it looked loooovely. i love black copic markers. wanna do artwork for our our record that we are gonna release next year? we're called crux. lemme know. my email address on my label site.
Can't wait to see your exhibition at Monster Children!
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