Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Witchcraft Hardware - New Product
All the new Witchcraft Product is now available from your local skate shop or from the
Monday, December 17, 2012
Verita Vltima Vitae - Leather Moleskin
From my Exhibition in LA Scion made a tiny amount of these Leather Moleskin Covers. There were 15 made in total and I only have 4 to sell.
The detail and quality of these is really high, hense the high cost to manufacture them.
Each comes with a Moleskin inside that can be replaced when used up, all covers are signed.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Arsis - 'Lepers Caress' EP - SCIONAV
I've just finished drawing and designing this artwork for Arsis's new release "Lepers Caress" being put out by SCION. Its online right now to listen to and also download for FREE!!! Go to the SCIONAV site and check it out.
I've got to say this is one of my favourite designs I've draw in a long time, its always fun to work for the people at Scion and I have a great amount of freedom when coming up with ideas, but this time it was really interesting to work with Arsis and here from them what they wanted and have their input so directly. Arsis are really nice guys and it was a total pleasure to work with them.
Not only is 'Lepers Caress" out to download but also comes on CD and Vinyl. Here's the layouts for the back of the record, the CD and also the Vinyl label. 

Scion are also supporting Arsis with their tour. I designed this artwork for shirts and also the tour poster below. I think they will all be available from shows on the tour or you can try and contact SCION AV through their site.
Native Interview
'Scotty' at Native in Newcastle asked me to do a little interview for the shop website, have you can have a look here. In the interview is this photo Rich Gilligan shot of me at Dave Dixon's DIY spot in Colchester while he was shooting pictures for his book.
Rich has made this book about DIY skatespots, its a seriously amazing photo book. If you skate you have to own. The London book launch / Exhibition is at Beach, Cheshire Street near Brick Lane tonight. You can read more about it on the good people of Carhartt's site. Bert at Carhartt helped make the whole thing happen for Rich. Check it out if you can.