Eric at Giant Robot has asked me to take part in 2 different exhibitions in April, one in New York and one in San Fran. The work below is what I'm sending for the New York show, there's no theme so I just thought some pictures of Satan, Skeleton Monks, Snake Killing a chicken and people being hung would lighten the mood.....

And for the San Fran show there's a theme of Tree's. The show is conjunction with the SF-based organization Friends of the Urban Forest, a group dedicated to maintaining the greenery in SF, as well as planting new trees all over the city. GR are asking artists to contribute 2-3 pieces, nature/tree related to the exhibition. Apparently this show is BIG in San Francisco. The Tree Shows are always very good, and the lineup Luke at Giant Robot has been putting together for this one is going to be incredibly deep and eclectic.....and I'm in it as well?
So tree's and nature, you get a dude mutating into a fly, an axe...I like the idea it could the the axe the hunting in Red Riding hood uses to cut the wolf open and then fill him with stones and then a pinecone....or when you're a kid playing army...its a grenade.

All the works for the shows are originals, all for the NY show are in ink and the SF show pencil and they will all be for sale as well. I'm sending all pretty small size works nothing over 15" square, its cheaper and easier to send that way. I'll put an invite for each show on here as I get them.

They'll be in the post really soon.....