Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Skateboard Exhibition, Brisbane, Aus
Matt Brady at the Outpost and NineLives Gallery in Brisbane is organising, as he does every year a skate show. Its gonna be great. Ben at 7 skateboards sends out boards and everyone works on then. They have a massive party, always good.
This is mine, I just need to mail it back to them.
Cheers to Matt for getting me involved, Ben for the board and thanks to Death Metal Coffee Brisbane.... just for being there.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Intracranial Butchery

I'm so into this band they are so brutal... is awesome. They used one of my drawings for shirts ....stokage! You can get they're split Ep With Plerosis and T-Shirts from they're myspace.
(they'll ship to the UK as well)
Email for PayPal : Mortify9@hotmail.com ,
Address for Mail
Chris Durk
1614 Amelia, apt. 5B
Columbia, Missouri
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Force of Nature - Urn Exhibition
Yesterday I made this drawing on an Urn for the my friends at Force of Nature in Copenhagen. Its gonna be for a charity exhibition later in the year.
They're putting together a show to celebrate life. And deathForce of Nature is a small store / art space in Copenhagen Denmark. Dealing in fashion, art and design. The store is disguised as a classy funeral home office on the outside, no products on display, only a few urns decorate the windows. On the inside the store is looking like an office with the words ”Life before Death” cut out in bronze on the wall above the giant palisade desk.
They like the idea of acknowledging death as a part of our life’s, and a key element to get the best of it while we’re here.
In October 2009 they are opening up a show with 15 urns, all done by some of the artists they admire from the national Danish art/design, as well as international.
Mads told me "We had this urn project on our minds for some time now. We don’t have the finances to pay the involved parts, so we hope you will donate your artpiece to the show. And then the plan is to donate the money from the sale to a good relevant course."
"A dear friend of ours past away just recently at the age of just 27, after
fighting cancer for almost three years. This has convinced us to donate
the money to the Danish Cancer Treatment Youth Division, with a focus on
giving young people with cancer a decent treatment, with a focus on other
needs then a child or an older person."

My drawing does have a few ideas behind it, which doesn't happen often. I liked the idea of drawing "The Angel of Death" its kinder from the old Cide Skate Shop logo and sweat shirt. I liked the idea that you might "SHRED TILL DEATH" ..... so I'll shred till death comes for me. This might be my drawing for the skateboard exhibition in Brisbane as well 'cos of this idea.
Labels: Exhibitions
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Giant Skull - Ink on Paper

Yesterday I spent the whole day at Badger and Toby's workshop using the wall space they have to draw this massive picture of a skull for a commission. Its roughly 2.5 metres tall by 2 metres wide. Gorm took all these foto's for me and also has made a time lapse that I'll have on here pretty soon.

I need to say a massive thank you to all the people at Bullet for the tea and coffee, to Toby and Badger for letting me use their space and sorting me out with a tube for the artwork, to Stu, Rob and Dan for sorting me out with a massive roll of paper and to Gorm for hanging out, taking fotos and coming to the Euro Cafe for beans on toast.
Labels: Commissions
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I have a print in the Fear Exhibition in Kingston :
FEAR- Thursday 8th April 2009 - Friday 1st May 2009
We are proud to announce our next show entitled FEAR. Opening on Wednesday 8th April, FEAR will be Art is Proof’s third exhibition. This time the aim of the exhibition is to raise funds and awareness for Shut Up and Listen!, the music based section of the charity Carosel. With help from Kingston based record label and shop, Banquet Records, we have put together a exciting group of artists involved with the underground music scene and asked them to produce a design based around the theme FEAR. These designs will be produced as a run of limited edition A2 one colour screen prints (gold print onto black paper) and exhibited at The Toilet Gallery in Kingston. Prints are available to view and purchase online from the Art is Proof webstore, prints bought online will be dispatched after the exhibition ends. We have a limited stock at the gallery available to purchase.
Open Wednesday - Thursday 1-6pm and Saturday - Sunday 11-6pm.
The Toilet Gallery is easily accessible from Kingston train station
Featuring Work by :
Dan Mumford, Verity Keniger, Will Exley, Leah Stewart, Dan Reeves,
Horsebites Design, French, 3-d Glasses, Thr33 Designs, Mark Pavey, Dave House.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Humour of Initiation Zine
I can't believe how quick all the Bandana's have sold out....less than 3 days... all gone. I still have a few zines and badges left fot sale on my web store (£3 inc postage). ......GET SOME!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm not taking a holiday this easter 'cos I have too much work to get done, but yesterday we got a good skate in early so then I could work the rest of the day.

Gorm had the downlow on the new Sutton Bowl at Collingwood, so him and Ray - Kwon...the Croydon legend, picked me up at 8 am and we headed over to the park via Jamie's in Merton. A very early rise for such a man as Jamie....he is a pirate after all. The bowl was rad and we got at least an hour and a half with just the 4 of us there.

Jamie never happy with just skating whats made for you decided he needed to do this nozz grizza before 10am?

Being a new park and obvious councils having no idea about cleaning it up Jamie set to it....

Glad they did make a new park cos this old quarter and whats left of the old park is pretty sketchy.... Ray took this foto, of gorm taking a foto of me doing a f/s feeble.

Gorm's been experimenting with b/w film and developing it at home.... here's a good'en of Ray.

As all good days are...we ended up at the poshest cafe, The Savoy for a slap-up breakfast, a quick razz on the concrete mini at Jamies and I was back at work by 1pm and its raining heavily..... good use of a good friday.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Peter Beste

I sent Peter a print of the drawing I made for him and he just emailed me this foto of it in situe :
"Just wanted to let you know that the print arrived safe and sound. It looks great! I built it into the top of a bamboo made shelving system that my grandfather brought back from India in the 1940's! I've attached a photo so you know what the hell I'm talking about. Anyway, thanks for that!"
Humour Of Initiation - Zine, Bandana, Badge
For the Exhibition / shoe launch Jasper at Vans helped me make a new zine with works from the show inside, a pin badge and this rad bandana. I managed to save a really limited amount from the opening night (around 10 of each). If you wanna get your hands on a this set I'll have them for sale on my online store for £4 including postage or you can email me : funeralfrench@yahoo.com and see what I have left.