Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
SOMA Calender
This came in the post today from Ace Dave Tura (spot detective) at SOMA skateboard Mag in France. The mag's always sick. I gave them the Hell Stallion drawing to include in the SOMA calender for this year. Its full of rad artists... like Stefan Marx!!! I have a couple, if you want one just drop me an email.
Cheers TURA....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Funeral Fog Shirts - ON SALE NOW!
.... only available in white, (at the moment) so it'll get really good and dirty. There's not many of these left now, so grab'em while you can. I've just been sorting out what I have left... and there's not much. There's Mediums and Large.
If you don't want white... wash it with black jeans, it'll turn grey ? Or dye it?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Severed Ways
The Severed Ways DVD's came this morning, I drew this the logo and cover for the DVD box. There's loads of metal on the the sound track of the movie, its a film of Vikings in America.
Have a look at the what the movies all about here.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Scion Metal Shirt

I just did this for Scion as a "Metal" style shirt. I'm also getting to go to the Scion Metal Festival in Ohio to see Cannibal Corpse, Brutal Truth and many more.....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The House, Sheffield

The House Skatepark in Sheffield are making some special artists shirts to help get money for the park. As any skater who lives in the UK knows, indoor parks are a life saver in the winter. Its so important to support indoor parks so there's always somewhere to skate in the wet and cold winters (October - April) or really all year. If you don't wanna buy mine at least check out who else is making shirts with the Sketchstance (Russ) and Heroin's Arthur Tubb have both designed shirts.
Thursday, February 04, 2010

You'd never think just from someone giving me Nates fone number in 2001, when I was living in Kansas and saying "hey, call this guy he's down to skate, drink and have fun.... you'll get along" that in 2010 we'd be still be "down to skate, drink and have fun". Jayhawk's for life bro.... "don't hate the player, hate the game" "NOT AT ALL" !!!
Good times....
Live Evil 2010

My friend Marek asked me to draw the logo for this new Festival happening later in the year:
Tails Of Beasts and Skill Wizard in association with Terrorizer Magazine presents Live Evil Festival 2010!
Prepare for total annihilation! Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th October 2010 brings the inaugural Live Evil Festival 2010 to Camden Town's home of metal - The Underworld.
One unholy weekend will see brutal performances from the very best underground metal from all over the planet. Make no mistake, Live Evil is a 100% true metal festival, curated by none other than Darkthrone’s legendary Fenriz. Fenriz's band selections relate to his own cult Darkthrone ‘Band of the Week’ MySpace blog feature.
Fenriz is not only a legend of extreme metal for his own incredible music, but also for his fantastic knowledge of classic and contemporary rock and metal. Live Evil handpicks the truest cutting edge black metal, thrash, speed, death, heavy metal, metal punk and doom for two days of no-bullshit, real metal carnage and other denim and leather treats.
Running Live Evil are long-term metal obsessive’s Mark Lewis (Tails of Beasts) and Marek Steven (Skill Wizard), who have proven backgrounds as London based Music Agent and Metal Promoter respectively. They aim to provide a killer platform for the underground scene worldwide and seek to make Live Evil the number one underground metal event of the new decade.
Live Evil Festival 2010 is endorsed, sponsored and inspired by Terrorizer Magazine.
Confirmed acts for 2010 include OBLITERATION (NORWAY), SALUTE (UK), CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY (ITALY) & SPEEDTRAP (FINLAND) with many more bands to be announced soon!
For further information & tickets please contact: CONTACT BOOKINGS:
Megan Cullen

My friend Megan has a thing about here work on this website, and the main foto is my backed beans at the cafe near the studio..... yes GREAT BRITISH FOOD!!
Juxtapoz Interview - Scion Installation 6

Alanglass and I have an interview on the Juxtapoz site, about the Funeral Fog work we made for the Scion Installation 6 show. Have a look.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Parasitized - Death Metal

You gotta check this dudes out, some smoking hot death metal from Sheffield. I just drew them an album cover and logo.... but even if I hadn't the musics still brutal as all hell and so rad!!! I'm extra stoked to be involved with them......proper death metal!!!

Have a listen and down load it .....

No. A - Downtown LA
Myself and Sam have been staying with home boy Nate and his Mrs Alana..... they own the No.A store in downtown. Its a rad store.....