Last night, my amazing friend Talita got me backstage to see Anvil play at the Sheppards Bush empire. They ruled!! As they would...also she got this old copy of Kerrang with Lips on the cover ...and she got it signed. And Scott Ian from Anthrax played with them. I crapped my pants!
For some people this is just whatever, but for me this was epic. When I was a kid my friend Pete and I were just so into metal...we would sit and just talk about it for hours. I was mentally obsessed with Anthrax and anything to do with Anthrax, ...I saw this interview with them and they talked about Raven and Anvil being super important so I obviously got as much Anvil as I could and was so into them. I had foto's of Lips on my wall and also Scott Ian from Anthrax. Last night was a dream come see Anvil, meet them and see Scott Ian play with them.
Pete past away a few years ago, and today he's the one person I really wanna call and tell about this....where ever he is I'm sure he'd be fucking stoked to know. I miss him so much.

Thanks so much Talita.... I owe you big time.
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