Monday, May 09, 2011


I spent most of last week in Berlin, setting up a small exhibition in preparation for a lecture I gave as part of "BISAR" - "Berlin International Skateboard Artists Residence". I was asked to give a lecture about my artwork, its relationship to Death Metal and skateboard and how that fits, working within in the skateboard industry.

There's more images and info on the BISAR website.

I want to say a massive thanks to Dave the Chimp, Sven, the guys at BISAR, Search and Destroy skateshop and a big cuddle to my mate Ente.

I'll be back in Berlin soon.


Blogger DAVE THE CHIMP said...

what I liked most is you talking about zombie Nazi's - Germans HATE to hear the word Nazi, they get all panicky!!!

I'm hoping the mad french bastard East Eric will also create some uncomfortable Germans this week. I wonder if he'll bring his ferret?

2:23 PM  

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