Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Last week, Bert and I went to Malmo for a 2 man road trip. I don't ge to skate or hangout with Bert ( The Hodgefather) that often so it was a rare thing. We skated so much, especially as Bert gets up at 5:30am everyday. Some days we skated for 10 hrs or more. 

We stayed at our friend Tomsie's house, but as he was away our new mate Jakke looked after us, making sure we had keys, a map and bikes to get to the spots and parks. 

We had to fix the puncher in the bike Tomsie left for Bert and then we on the road with out steeds of steel. 

This one's mine, well actually its Jezza's bike, but mine for the week. 


This is American Will, he hooked us up big time. He had  a few days off work, and by the time we'd skated 2 parks in the morning Will was then ready to be a true gent and drive us out to a park or too outside Malmo. What a legend!! 


Anonymous Mike said...

10 hours of skateboarding I would enjoy that.

4:06 PM  

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