Humour of Initiation - Opening Night

This is a mix of foto's that I took and others ahev sent me from the opening night. Really I have to say a massive thanks to Jamie for coming down and helping me out all week, skating so hard, building the coffin for the show and also just talking too much.

Grill popped down with Blakey to see the show and skate a little with us on sunday, one of my oldest friends from the fatherland.

Stu arrived saturday morning so he could skate Filton and the coffin with all of us, just wait to see the video podcast from Vans, he does a lien to tail on the coffin, in the deep end of the bowl, wearing his pink cowboy hat. BEAR FORCE 1!!!

A giant thanks to Alan, who now has exactly the same clothes as me, why did I get him the grey Dickies!! Alan let looked after me and Jamie all week, was really annoying when we were trying to set up. But did come skating every day and also is making a video podcast of the whol weekend for the Vans site!!! wait and see!!

Lilly did work experience with Stu last week at Lovenskate and came all the way down from London just for the show, and I'd never met her before .... thats a really rad effort from someone who I dunno. But now she's part of the Lovenskate family.

The Skull bandana's went down a treat, so many got given away on the opening night. I will have them and zines for sale really soon from my online store.

Whip travelled up from the Republic of Cornwall and shredded all day saturday, killed himself at Filton (wait for the footage) and the drank all night and skated again sunday. He also took these polaroids.... thanks for coming dude, always rad to see you.
Mrs Joe is my biggest fan, she went and saw the Lord of Light Exibition in Melbourne, Aus and came to this one. Joe came out on the saturday and pretty much did every trick ever at Filton and then shut the George skate park down on sunday.
The most massive thanks goes to Jasper at Vans for making the whole thing happen, doing all the layout, believing in my work and being a krusty.

Grim finally made it there.... and had fun.... told you mate!!

This one says it all really?
My brother came as well, can't you tell we're related .... we look so similar.

Racheal put up with me and Jamie all week and allowed us to take Alan away from her all week.... thanks for dealing with us Rach.
I wanna say a massive thanks to all those who came and skated, drank, bought art, had fun and allowed some hesh in the 5050 fresh. I giant thanks for Nick and Jasper at Vans, Dustin for getting me to do the shoe, Jerome for fotos and being a good lad, Stu for printing, Ikea for frames, Sailors charity shop, Viking Blocks, Wainers and the 5050 crew, shiner, The Hatchet and anyone else that made this happen. Keep an eye out for the Video podcast.....
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